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My translation process explained. And translated!

This month I’ve been very fortunate to have an article published in a French journal, Cahier Marcel Aymé! I wrote it in English and the editor translated it into French. This is a first for me.

The article is an account of my translation process in two stories by Marcel Aymé, “Le Loup” and “Le Temps mort”, translated as “The Wolf” and “Dead Time” and both published in Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature. I received my copy of Cahier Marcel Aymé (no. 42) yesterday and flicked through the articles, all of which relate to Marcel Aymé and his writing. I noticed that several of them have been either written or translated by the editor, Jean-Pierre Belleville, which must have kept him very busy during the past year. I’ve read through the translation of my own article and am very pleased with his work.

The journal is available to purchase through the Société des Amis de Marcel Aymé.

The image above shows the cover of the Cahier Marcel Aymé no. 42 between the covers of Les Contes bleus de chat perché (includes “Le Loup”) and Derrière chez Martin (includes Le Temps mort).



One Comment

  1. Joshua Joshua

    Great job! Very cool that someone translated your work.

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